Wednesday, July 19, 2023

How Swede it is, Minneapolis that is

 Minneapolis, MN

Francis enjoying the sun

Scandinavian Gift Shop and Groceries

Today Donna and I went to Ingebretsen's Scandinavian Gifts to check out what they were selling.  We wanted to get some food but they also sell so much more.  I found it on a list of things you must try when in Minneapolis.  Their Lefse is on that list.  Donna found it by some other search so we ended up telling eachother about the same place.

Donna checking out the cool stuff we have no room for.

I liked these candles, also a phrase I thought I would never think when I was younger.

We have something like this we pull out for Christmas.  These were a lot smaller and more artsy.  Ours is probably 40 years old.

Scandinavians love cutting the cheese.  They even invented new ways to cut the cheese.  Here we see at least 8 ways to cut the cheese.  One more time, cut the cheese.

They have Jam flavors you can't really get here.  We passed on the Lingonberry (for ze lingonberry pancakes) but got the Cloudberry.  

These gummi fish are much more inclusive than Swedish Fish

Local Groceries

After the gift shop we went to Cub Groceries and picked up some more food to get us through the next few days.  We found some local treats also.  Local treats are one of the best parts of travel.

Local Candy!

Here is our local food hall.

After shopping I went back to Up Down Minneapolis to practice on a few machines.  I am trying to learn all of the modern Stern machines.  I am watching videos, reading strategy, making notes and then taking my learnings to the arcade and trying them out.  Today I focused on The Mandalorian, Star Wars, and The Avengers Infinity Quest.  I have a long way to go but I did have a pretty good game on Star Wars

I'm Number 2!
That was it for today.  If you missed Streets for the People, Not Cars, check it out.

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