Monday, May 15, 2023

Tiki in Ohio

 Cincinnati, OH

Today we found great Tiki in Cincinnati!

Go Metro!

The day started with us hopping on a bus and riding up US22 (I marked some more segments here in Cincinnati without driving).  It was a short ride and the bus was great.  The bus was clean and commuter friendly.  There was a good mix of riders as well.  Before we got on the bus we saw a billboard advertising the success of Go Metro in Cincinnati.  As of September of last year ridership was back up to 80% of where it was pre-pandemic.  

A shot of the moquette.  I plan on doing this more.

Esoteric Brewing and Decibel Korean Fried Chicken

The bus took us right to Esoteric Brewing.  Our first stop was a beer and lunch.  Decibel Korean Fried Chicken has a window inside Esoteric Brewing so you can order lunch there but they are 2 different companies.  The space was great, the beer was great, and the it was some of the best Korean Fried Chicken I have had and they also have a twice fried corn dog on the menu that was great.


The Decibel window inside Esoteric Brewing.  They also have a business front on the street for takeout.

Tiki - Tiki Bang Bang!

Our last stop of the day was Tiki - Tiki Bang Bang, our Tiki in Ohio!  Tiki - Tiki Bang Bang used to be a speakeasy inside a Quentin Tarantino themed video store but during the pandemic they began converting it to a Tiki Bar.  It's a cool space with fantastic drinks and our bartender was amazing!

My drink was Smoked!

Here is our bartender infusing my drink with smoke and then burning it off with atomized 151.

They had a nice selection of beer for people that don't want cocktails.

That was the adventure for today.  We are now up to Tiki in 17 States!  Pretty good!  If you missed yesterday's post, 513 Day in the Queen City check it out.

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