Thursday, March 16, 2023

Walking to Arkansas

 Memphis, TN

I'm in Arkansas and Donna and Francis are in Tennessee!

Big River Crossing

Today we took advantage of the weather (it got up to 61 degrees and not much wind) to walk the Big River Crossing.  This is the longest footbridge crossing the Mississippi River.  It's exactly what you would expect but somehow cooler.  It opened in 2016 so it is fairly new as far as bridges are concerned. It's attached to an older rail bridge that keeps its character and patina so the juxtaposition of the footbridge and the rail bridge is pretty cool.  

We parked in Martyr Park and walked to the bridge.

The state line is down the middle of The Mississippi River unless the river shifts

They are doing a pretty good job of keeping locks off the bridge.  There are currently a few.

We watched a riverboat ride with the current under the bridge and then turn around.  It was going to have to work much harder to return up the river.  More info here about the Riverboat Cruises.

@BigRiverX #BigRiverCrossing

The Big River Crossing was a great activity for a nice day.  I am looking forward to more river crossings in the coming months.  I know there are at least a couple walking bridges coming up.  If you missed the previous post you can find it here.

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