Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Train Spotting, a Museum, and 2 Breweries

 Memphis, TN

We got held up by a train on our walk so Donna put me in a video.

The Moose Out Front Should Have Told You

Today we decided to go to the Art Museum at The University of Memphis.  It's a free museum attached to the university and we have been to a few like this so our expectations where tempered.  We drove the couple of miles to the University and looked for parking.  It wasn't clear where to park so we drove around looking.  We found a garage but it was too short for the van.  The 2nd garage we found that was actually closer to the museum was tall enough so we parked.

We walked in the direction Google Maps was telling us to walk and it didn't seem correct so we walked into the arts building to take a look.  We found a tiny museum featuring student art from the surrounding area.  We checked out the art there and then continued our search for the actual museum.  Donna took her shot at using Google Maps and got us closer to the entrance of the actual museum.  At that point we found a sign that sort of showed where to go.  It was much harder to find than it should have been.  The search for the museum including finding parking took about 30 minutes longer than it should have but we were there finally!  We entered only to find out that the museum was closed for a new installation (insert sad trombone sound here).  Oh well, at least we only needed to pay for an hour of parking.  In case you are thinking that we should have checked the website, we did.  There was no mention of a closure there.

Is this the Museum entrance?  Apparently so.

Ah yes!  The sign hidden behind the bushes at the entrance told us we were on the right track (after we already found the entrance).

Sad Trombone!

Salvaging A Day Out

After our shortest museum visit ever, we decided to head home and eat lunch.  After lunch we took a Lyft to the Binghampton Neighborhood to visit 2 breweries.  Our first stop was Hampline Brewing.  They are named after the bike / walking Hampline trail that cuts through the area.  The beers were great, the beertenders were super nice and the locals were talkative.  We got some great info about all of the fun things to do in the area from locals.  

Our 2nd brewery was about a quarter mile away so we walked to Wiseacre Brewing.  It is one of the larger breweries in Memphis.  The beers were solid, the space was cool, and we got to talk to another local.  He made the mistake of saying we looked like world travelers and I was feeling talkative so I went into WAY TOO MUCH DETAILS about our travels.  He was very nice and was interested in our adventures to a point.  After that point "he had to run". 

The logo for Hampline is really cool

They modify the bear on a bike for the different beer labels.

You can have a beer in the shade of 2 silos, pretty cool!

Wiseacre also has cool T-Shirts

New breweries are always fun and it is a bonus when the beers and spaces are as good as both of these places were.  That's it for today.  If you missed my last post you can find it here.  We had fried fish and wine at a Catholic Church and then saw a local jazz band.

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