Thursday, February 16, 2023

McKinney Falls State Park

 Austin, TX

Trippy hu?  This is us standing under Smith Rock Shelter.

Waterfalls in Texas

Today we drove a short distance to McKinney Falls State Park, which was NOT named after the man, the myth, the legend, Collin McKinney (if you haven't watched the video I linked in my post about Collin McKinney, do!) It was named after Thomas F. McKinney, a Texas Business Man (slave owner). who owned the land at one point, but let's focus on the beauty of the land.

McKinney Falls State Park is on Onion Creek.  It is a beautiful area  with a lot of birds (which is why we went).  We had hoped to see a Green Kingfisher but it eluded us.  We did see a lot of other great birds and geological features.  

Smith Rock Shelter

Me and Francis not walking off into the sunset.

The Swimming Hole (and fishing hole)

Donna checking out the cool waterfall pools (they aren't tide pools).

It was an awesome place that needs a new name.  If you missed yesterday's post you can find it here.

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