Saturday, January 28, 2023

Tiki and a Museum

 Austin, TX

Tiki in Austin at Tiki Tatsuya

The Contemporary Austin

Today we started the day (after coffee) at The Contemporary Austin.  It's a small contemporary museum downtown and it doesn't allow photography.  I saw plenty of people taking photos but I chose to follow what I thought the rule to be so we only have a photo of the outside.  We used our NARM pass to get in and we were glad we did.  There were some nice pieces but not sure it would have been worth the $10 each to get in.  

Also the roof was closed so we couldn't go up there.

Expecto Canonus!

Tiki Tatsuya

After the museum and a rest on the couch we walked to Tiki Tatsuya for dinner and a drink (or two).  It's a top tier Tiki Bar in our opinion.  The drinks were great, the décor was amazing, the food was really good, and the service was spot on.  We arrived at opening, like we normally do for popular Tiki Bars and were behind 2 groups.  We got to sit at the bar and watch all of the cocktail making action.  

The Merch was outside

They had some incredible rooms and some really cool lighted tables

The menu was really cool.  The lower part was "hidden" behind part of the menu.  It was a cool presentation.

They had a signature umbrella

Our walk home took us by this Willie Nelson Mural. He is big here.

There is also quite a bit of neon in Austin.

That's it for today.  If you missed yesterday's post you can find it here.  We went to a sculpture garden.

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