Friday, November 11, 2022

Public Art in Baton Rouge

 Baton Rouge, LA

The Museum of Public Art

Today we took a quick drive by The Museum of Public art.  Either we didn't find all of the alleys the museum has or the art on their website is old.  We did get to see some nice murals though.  

The quick stop was on our way to The Raising Cain's Dog Park.  This dog park is sponsored by the local chicken finger (I didn't know chickens had fingers until we crossed The Mississippi) fast food chain. I didn't do the research very well because they are closed on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Who knew I dog park would close 2 random days of the week?  We will head back at some point.

We Unpacked the Bread Making Tools

I also decided it was time to start baking again.  The weather is good and I wanted good bread to go with our cheese.  I made Pain D'epi.  It turned out great.  It wasn't my first time making it and The Chainbaker does a great job of breaking down everything you need to know.

Lastly, the weather is starting to turn here in Baton Rouge.  Most of the days have been in the 80s since we got here but today was a bit cooler and tomorrow will be a bit cooler and then Saturday we see highs in the low 60s. Francis is practicing for his colder weather routine while we run the air conditioning for the last couple of days.

That's it for today.  If you missed yesterday's post you can find it here.

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