Saturday, November 12, 2022

Peanuts 3 Ways

 Baton Rouge, LA

On the left is a roasted peanut, on the right is a green peanut right out of the ground

Fresh Pickin's Market

Today we used the Reddit hivemind and visited Fresh Pickin's Market.  The day we booked Baton Rouge as a replacement for Panama City (you can read about that here) I joined r/Batonrouge and started exploring.  I came across a post where a local was giving a future visitor advice on a quick trip to Baton Rouge and what to do and eat.  They mentioned the best boiled peanuts can be found at Fresh Pickin's Market so I added it to our list of things to do.  We went today and weren't disappointed.  

It's a lot like many other Vegetable Stand markets. 

Great pickled egg selection

We went with the refrigerated bag of boiled peanuts because we were going to eat them at home.  They did have hot peanuts too.

Peanut roaster

We bought some Satsumas.  

And a table of Green Peanuts!  You can only get them this time of year.

The Smoked Pickled Eggs are The Bomb!

We bought local grits too.  We have only had big brand grits before.

In the end we bought roasted peanuts, boiled peanuts, and green peanuts.  When we got home we tried them all and they were all fantastic in their own ways.  The roasted peanuts were fresh out of the roaster and tasted more roasted than the big brand nuts.  The boiled peanuts were well seasoned but more salty than we are used to.  Donna makes great boiled peanuts.  They are more suited for our taste and cost a lot less.  The green peanuts (we only sampled a few because Donna is going to boil them) tasted like a root vegetable and a peanut mixed.  Kind of like a jicama with hints of peanut.  

LSU AgCenter Botanic Gardens

We also stopped by the LSU AgCenter Botanic Gardens and walked some of the trails.  It was a great place to walk around and see birds and learn about trees.  It's fall so it isn't the best time to visit a Botanic Garden but it was still pretty great.

Probably Bob Loblaw's favorite tree

This is a mound of mud made by something.  I don't think it is termites.  I do think it is some sort of terrestrial crab.  I can't find much info on it at the moment but am going to keep trying.

That's it for today.  Check out yesterday's post here if you haven't seen it.

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