Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Gas Station Shrimp Po' Boy

 Baton Rouge, LA

36 inches of fried shrimp and bread and a few pickles

Save More Market

Today I lived my dream of buying a 36 inch Po' Boy in Louisiana and eating half of it!  It only cost a few more dollars than eating all of a 16 inch Po' Boy.  

While I was doing my research on Reddit about Baton Rouge, I came across a post on Reddit giving someone advice on what to do with a handful of hours before and after an LSU game and the advice was fantastic.  I made a few notes but the note I mostly walked away with was that Save More Market on Nicholson has the best Shrimp Po' Boy in all of Baton Rouge.  I put it on the list of things to do.  I figured it was a Grocery Store that had a hot counter.  We ate some great burritos in San Francisco from a hot counter in a Grocery Store.  Well today I walked down the street and went to Save More!

It's a gas station!  Anthony Bourdain had a quote about gas station food I think and I think he liked it.  Good enough for me!

Po-Boys and Hot Wings!

There was also a meat counter selling all kinds of cuts of meat.

When I got to the counter and ordered my Po' Boy the lady said something so fast and with such a thick accent I didn't know what she was saying so I asked again and she said the same thing and I still didn't understand.  I tried to guess my way through what I would be asking so I answered the question I would ask, "The Large One Please".  She nodded and asked if I wanted everything on it and I said yes.  Great!  We are communicating!  I did it!  While I was waiting for my sandwich to be made I had time to actually look at the menu.  I usually know what I am getting and how much it is but Reddit already told me what I was getting and it was a gas station so how expensive could it be?  As I looked at the menu I realized that there is a normal one that is like 12 inches, another one that is 16 inches and the big one that is 36 inches!  Oh boy,  What have I done?  When it all sank in I had spent about 6 dollars more than I would have spent.  The whole thing was only $15.99 so no biggie, it will make a good story.  

They hand you your food through the window and then you wait in line with people buying beer, gas, slushies, and other things that one would buy at a gas station.  I paid and then folded it in half and put it in my insulated shopping bag.  I was also stopping by La Salvadorena for Donna's food.  We had it last week and it was awesome.

The big reveal to Donna was great.  It was a bit like Marry Poppins pulling her hat rack out of her travel bag.

I didn't get footage of this so here is the stand in

Here it is on our 12 inch cutting board.

I feel like if I had just ordered fried shrimp it would have cost twice as much but putting it in a bun and adding sauce and pickles dropped the price by half.  There were so many shrimp!  (there still are so many shrimp in the fridge and now I am afraid to eat it).

That's it for today.  If you missed yesterday's post you can find it here.


  1. One of the better breakfasts I've eaten was at a gas station in Wenatchee. The restaurant did so well that it has since opened a more traditional place, and closed the gas station location.

    1. Yea don't sleep on the gas station food is the lesson here I think.
