Thursday, October 20, 2022

Looking Back at Birch Bay, Washington Camping (2021)

February 2021 Birch Bay, WA

Donna, Francis, and me enjoying our first trip after retirement

Looking Back

Today we are somewhere on the road between Baltimore and Baton Rouge so we are looking back at our first trip after retiring on February 19th, 2021.  We did the trip to Birch Bay State Park in northern Washington from February 23rd to 25th.  The Covid Pandemic was still raging.  Donna was able to get her vaccinations as a health care worker before quitting but I was still waiting for mine to be available to the healthy general public.  We had tried to stay at Birch Bay State Park earlier but just didn't find the time to do it.  It was a symbolic trip representing our new freedom and we really enjoyed it.

We drove up and stopped by Larrabee State Park on the way.  We wanted to get full value out of our State Parks Pass

Beach access through a tunnel

The Beautiful Washington Coast

We were taking Covid precautions seriously

We didn't have a reservation so we were able to pick the best site and we were the only ones there besides the camp hosts

It was pretty cold that trip.  It got below freezing over the night

My old boss gave us some salmon from his fishing trip so we planked it and it was great.

The pour over tradition started differently but continues to this day

An evening Quirkle game to keep our minds limber

The local bottle cap collection hammered into a post

The next morning we got up early and went on a hike.  We encountered Hair Ice for the first time.

On the trip home we stopped by Whatcom Falls

And the attached Fish Hatchery

It was a really fun camping trip and helped us to start setting up the routines we follow today to make camping easier and more enjoyable.  

If you missed yesterday's post you can find it here.

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