Saturday, September 17, 2022

We Have Arrived in Baltimore!

 Baltimore, MD

This isn't some super secret waterfall in Baltimore, this is in Ohiopyle State Park PA.

Home Base Baltimore

So today we pulled into Baltimore, MD where we are staying for a month.  We are in a neighborhood called Pig Town.  So far we are very pleased with our accommodation.  It is large and has what we need.  It isn't fancy by any stretch but we don't need fancy.  The link is here if you are curious.  We found easy street parking when we arrived and the unpacking the car went quickly.  We still have settling to do but that is the part you can take your time with.  After unpacking we walked to the Federal Hill neighborhood for dinner.  It's a popular place with bars and restaurants and shopping.  It was hopping on a Friday night.  We took Francis with us because there seems to be a lot of patio seating and we want Francis to get used to the new place before we leave him.

We can walk to both the Football and Baseball sports venues.  We will hit a baseball game soon.

I recognized the name Johnny Unitas as we walked by

We had no real plan so we ended up at Abbey Burger Bistro.

I got the Baltimore Burger.  The Crab Dip was really good.

I also got tots.  They were legit.  They had a modest beer selection as well.

We will go to the Cross Street Market when we don't have Francis

I snapped this sign and then when we walked by it was packed with bros playing cornhole.  

We have only had a taste of Baltimore but we are incredibly excited to see all that it has to offer.  I feel like we are in a great place to explore the area by foot and by transit.  We do have a couple car road trips planned too.  Stay tuned!  

If you missed the last quick post of Francis you can see it here.

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