Sunday, August 14, 2022

FC Tulsa Gear Has Arrived! AKA our Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Gear Has Arrived!

 Kansas City, MO

My FC Tulsa Hat and a silly smile

Quest for FC Tulsa Gear Completed

It all started back on July 1st when we first entered central Texas.  While I was driving I saw what I thought was a very fancy bird with a long tail out of the corner of my eye.  I described it to Donna and said she should look up Scissor-tailed Flycatcher because I think that is what it was.  She looked it up and said, "Oh Fancy!"
National Geographic's Filed Guide to the Birds of North America pg. 344

Donna read about them to me as we drove and I looked for another.  Soon we both got good glimpses of them sitting on wires as well as flying awkwardly across the highway.  It was cool but we wanted to see one close up and really get good views (as birders say) of them.  When we stopped at one of Texas's cool rest stops for lunch we got good views!

Here is one we were able to study while eating our leftover ribs from Amarillo at that rest stop.

During our stay in Texas we looked for them every day and saw them when we weren't in urban areas.  They tended to like fields with power lines or trees to fly-catch from.  They were great to watch.  

Fast forward 1 month to July 31st and we were in Tulsa, OK checking out the city.  We were impressed by the Art Deco we saw and learned that the Scissor-tailed Flycatcher was their state bird, we also learned that the local Football (Soccer) Club has an Art Deco Stylized Scissor-tailed Flycatcher on their uniforms.  This began our quest to get some gear!  On the drive out we stopped at a few sporting good places and weren't able to find what we were looking for.  It was a Monday and the team store didn't open until Tuesday so our best bet was to order something online.  When we arrived in KC we learned that mail was going to be easy for us so we ordered our gear and it arrived!

I ordered a hat for me and a T-Shirt for Donna but the marketing email did this cool thing where it took my last name from the shipping address and applied it to a jersey.  Really clever stuff.

Our stuff!  

That's it for our "adventure" today.  In reality we went grocery store shopping, baked a cake, and then stayed inside because it was close to 100 degrees.  It is trending cooler this week so we will be out exploring again soon.  If you missed yesterday's post check it out here.

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