Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Perot Museum of Nature and Science

 Dallas, TX

The entrance to The Perot Museum is awesome

Dallas County and The Perot Museum

Today we picked up Erika and headed into the big city, The Big D!  We were visiting The Perot Museum of Nature and Science.  In 2008, $50 million dollars donated by The Perot Heirs (Ross and Margot Perot's kids) sealed the deal on the name change from The Museum of Nature & Science at Fair Park to The Perot Museum of Nature and Science.  The building is amazingly cool.  You start out by heading to the top and then you work your way down.  Each floor as an overlook looking down on the floor you are headed to so you can get a preview of what is in store.  Erika has a membership and we have our ASTC reciprocal pass so we all got in for free.  We tried to go later in the day but it was still packed with children.  We did are best to distance ourselves and saw as much as we could for as long as we could hang in there.  It was a very hot day and they had the air conditioning blaring so I don't blame families for going there to cool off.  I guess we will steer clear of Science and Nature museums until school is in again and stick to art museums.

We ascended to the top floor

The last escalator was along the edge of the building with a glass wall that offered great views of The Big D.

The Great Views

Looking down on the world

This Golden Eagle was going to be eaten by a T-Rex

An actual spine dug up in Big Bend TX.

There was someone working on some fossils and they displayed their work on a monitor above.

We excitedly went up to see the birds

Erika told me I could make my own bird so I did.  You had to visit various stations and choose different characteristics.  One of the kiosks was broken so you couldn't finish your bird.  On the way out we saw a girl at the first kiosk just starting her journey to disappointment.  

I can't believe it took me until 2022 to see something so obviously perfect and genius as this Banana Peel Caution Cone.

The Dallas Skyline

I want one!

This leopard is failing hard at hunting and the gazelle is rubbing it in.

A real Nobel Prize!

A real human Brain!

Robots in the early stages of conquering humans

The lobby from above

Kids were loving this!

A tornado trying to form

In the end we needed to get away from people and I saw this appropriate hoodie

Hey kids!  Look at the fun leap frogs!

Do Not have fun with the frogs.  Feel free to count them and sing to them though.

It was a fun trip but the crowds were there in force.  It's also amazing how far Dallas is from McKinney TX.  I spent the first part of our trip saying we are going to Dallas but that isn't really true.  Also there is no public transit connecting McKinney to Dallas.  You have to drive 20 minutes to the closest Red Line station stop which we will do later this week.

If you didn't read about our day of doing not much yesterday, you can read about it here.


  1. What a cool museum. Bummer that it was so crowded. Apparently those frogs light up at night.
