Friday, July 29, 2022

Bonnie Wenk Dog Park and Game Night

 McKinney, TX

Bonnie Wenk Dog Park

Back to the Dog Park

This morning we took Francis back to Bonnie Wenk Dog Park.  He enjoyed running around and smelling other dogs.  It was pretty warm so all of the dogs were pretty mellow.  I looked up Bonnie Wenk and found out she was a local environmentalist and was active in the local City Council.  The park opened in 2013 and Kyle Brooks & the Rhythm & Beards performed on the lawn that evening.  It appears that the park has outlasted the band because I can't find anything about Kyle or the Beards.  You can read about her here if you are interested.  

They have a place where kids and dogs can play in the water.  I waited until the kids were out of the shot to take the photo.

Donna and Francis enjoying the shade

Francis keeping his distance

Errands and Game Night

After dropping Francis off at home, we went out to run errands.  I mailed my big camera to a friend to borrow / check out to see if he wants to buy it.  I am not using it and it is taking up a lot of room. We also picked up dessert items for tonight.  Sharon and Erika came over for game night.  They brought dinner and we provided the dessert.  There are a few board games here at the house so we played Clue.  In the end I lost.  I knew the killer and the weapon and was down to 1 of 3 rooms and I guessed wrong.  They were all closing in so I felt I had to take a chance.  I didn't feel so bad because I only wrongly accused the location, I still got the right killer.  

The rest of our stay here consists of packing up on Friday and leaving Saturday morning.  We are ready for a new adventure!

If you didn't read about yesterday, you can see it here.

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