Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Meow Wolf Denver

 Denver, CO

During this phase of the lighting a line was drawn on the floor where you walked.  It was so cool!

Back to Meow Wolf, this time in Denver

In October we went to Meow Wolf in Santa Fe, NM and it was so great we decided to go to Meow Wolf in Denver.  We arrived just after our appointment window due to traffic but everything was fine.  We were allowed to enter during the current time slot.  MW Santa Fe is built around the House of Eternal Return.  MW Denver is built around Convergence Station, an interdimensional transit hub.  I really liked the whole "house to other dimensions" so I thought I would really love "public transit to other dimensions" but it didn't work as well as the house did.  It just didn't feel like a public transit station.  It did have all of the normal transit maps and everything that goes along with public transit, but there was no transit other than an elevator.  I felt they could have themed that aspect better.  That being said, MW Denver is better than MW Santa Fe IMHO.  The spaces were open and people flowed through much better than in Santa Fe.  Everyone once in a while you would get a flood of people but if you just found an interesting corner and waited, the crowd would disappear.  It was also WAY more accessible than Santa Fe.  The building was built from the ground up for MW Denver and they had lessons learned from both Santa Fe and Las Vegas and they did an amazing job keeping it interesting but also keeping it open an accessible for all of their visitors.  There were very few places you couldn't get to in a wheelchair or walker which was great.  

We didn't focus on the story but we did work our way through what we believe was all of the spaces in the 4 hours we were there.  I took a ton of photos so buckle up!

Yes this part felt like a transit hub

And there is the C Line with the map to the right

And we have arrived to see an abandon bus. 

The first section we visited felt like a city in Blade Runner 

The employees working all worked for "QDOT" and they were really into their jobs which was cool

There were mini-games all over the place.  This one allowed you to vote for a new Mayor every 25 minutes.

You could call the different businesses

The Hair Salon

A cool hover car

All of the QR codes in this piece took you to Nature Websites

We visited the local movie theater with cool CGI movies playing

One room had a bunch of little dioramas in the wall

When you are on the road your shirt gathers lint.  When you are in black light the lint glows like the stars above!

An action shot!

Security!  Security!

The Pizza Pals Playzone made me want pizza even though it was creepy

The Pizza Mountain is Back!  Heck yea!

Who doesn't want Lobster Pizza?

The instruments would play themselves every now and then

Deconstructed Piano

Another mini game that played like Kaboom!

This one played like Breakout!  I won...

We needed a break and they had a nice cafe.  We got some quick energy.

It was a nice day to sit outside and have a beer before going back in.

The stage where they have bands play sometimes for a separate ticket.


Reasonable housing

Looking down on where we were.  It wasn't apparent you could get up here when we were down there,

Hey look!  A cool thing!  There are cool things everywhere!

They caught me filming my Emo Video

More cool stuff over there!

A legit Hall of Mirrors

Yes, a lot of me.  My front facing camera is legit!

On hold again!  I'm out of dimes!

The interdimensional stairway took you directly to different areas.

Exit through the gift shop

And Scene!

It was an amazing experience.  You should go.  Like now!  Quit your job and go.  See you tomorrow.

Yesterday we toured the capitol building and had a doughnut.  Read about it here.