Tuesday, May 24, 2022

South Rim and North Rim Grand Canyon

 Grand Canyon, AZ

Chips are puffy at high altitude

South Rim Grand Canyon

On Friday the 20th we drove from Flagstaff AZ to The South Rim of the Grand Canyon. The drive was really pretty and easy.  After setting up camp we did the 1.5 mile walk to the rim of the Grand Canyon.

Sometimes hiking is just a walk

Francis enjoying his outing

Francis didn't like being near the canyon

The Grand Canyon Selfie.  We managed to not back off the cliff to our death

I don't think anyone has taken a better photo of the Grand Canyon /end sarcasm

This one has a bit more depth

This is what a happy camper looks like

Another happy camper

Driving 197 miles to be 17 miles from where we started

The distance from South Rim to North Rim is about 17 miles as a crow flies but we aren't crows so we had to drive 197 miles to get there.  It was one of the most beautiful drives I have ever done.  We got to drive around The Grand Canyon and see different views and then we got to drive through Vermillion Cliffs National Monument and then we got to North Rim.  It was an unbelievable drive.
Setting up for breakfast before the drive

Making Coffee

The Desert View Watchtower

 More views of The Grand Canyon

This tree has seen things

A canyon leading to The Grand Canyon on Navajo Land

Part of the beautiful drive

Some of The Vermillion Cliffs

The rest area at Navajo Bridge

Francis just wanted to sit in the sun

The Actual Navajo Bridge

Don't throw things from the bridge

Walking The Navajo Bridge

The Colorado River looks deep green from the bridge

Another view of the Colorado River

The walk to The North Rim

After setting up camp at The North Rim we took the 2 mile walk to see the sights.  It was WAY more impressive than The South Rim.  Fewer people and better views really make The North Rim stand out.

The walk was nicer

The views were nicer

The Lodge was really cool (we go in later)

More Views

And even more views

The Roughrider Saloon.  The Grand Canyon Brewing beers were $8 instead of the $4 we paid at happy hour.

I couldn't stop taking photos

The inside of The Lodge had a great viewing room.  

After looking at The Lodge we walked to Bright Angel Point

Another tree that has seen things

The path got very narrow at times.  Those are sheer cliffs on either side of the wall

More grandness

At The Point

I guess I have a thing for ragged trees

Back to camp in time to make dinner

The Grand Canyon was truly grand.  You just can't take it all in when you look at it.  It is so big it looks fake.  If you have the chance, you should really go.

Yesterday we went to a museum in Flagstaff AZ.  Check it out here.


  1. Oof. I got nervous reading about the sheer cliffs on either side of the path. I discovered this week, as we were trying to clean our solar panels, that I have a bit of a fear of heights. Not a true phobia, but definitely more intense than probably the normal person with normal nervousness about heights. (But I do want to walk across that path, so long as J is holding my hand and I only look down after I get across.)

    1. Yea the thought, "don't trip, don't trip" ran through my head.
