Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Los Angeles By The Numbers

 Los Angeles, CA

We can start with One Melted Dog

Our time in L.A. has come to an end

Today is our last day in LA (really today and not yesterday today).  Tomorrow morning we hit the road.  We have spent yesterday and today packing and cooking and preparing for our 2 week road trip to Denver.  I thought I would sum up our stay here with data.  

6 Museums
24 Friends and Family Visited
4 Breweries
30 Days of Sunshine
1 Baseball Game
1 Comedy Show
15 Tacos Consumed by the Two of Us
1 Dodger Dog Consumed
1 Pinball Machine Played
2 Tiki Bars
1 Home Tiki Bar
1 Swan Boat Ridden
4 Forms of Public Transit Ridden
1 Hot Tub Soak
21 Out of 29 Paper Checklist Items Crossed Off
1 Hat Purchased
1 Choco Taco Eaten
1228 Photos Taken
1 Music Hall Visited
2 Delis Visited
1 Doughnut Consumed
0 Coats Checked
4 Walks Around Echo Park Lake
4 Drives to Orange County
1 Drive to San Diego County

On to the next adventure!  

Is there someone behind me?

Yesterday we saw The Dude's robe.  Check it out here.