Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Walking In LA, Walking In LA

 Los Angeles, CA

Angelino Heights

Today we marked off a checklist item!  

We walked to and around Angelino Heights.  Angelino Heights is one of the oldest neighborhoods in Los Angeles (according to Wikipedia).  It is known for its mixture of architecture.

Our walking route took us up and over The 101 Freeway (or US 101 if you aren't from SoCal).

Donna Walking Francis up to the overpass
Crossing the graffiti tagged overpass

One of the LA Walking Paths that isn't in traffic

We saw a lot of cool looking houses but it turns out we missed the heard of Angelino Heights.  We will talk the walk again later and get it right so we can see The Thriller House.

A cool looking bungalow with Giant Bird of Paradise

Great Use of Cactus

Speed Humps and Architecture

You can see Downtown LA in the background

Historic Filipino Town

Our walk home showcased the fact that we are in Historic Filipino Town.  There are many Filipino Restaurants in the area.
An Historic Filipino Town Banner

I liked this cool Giraffe Sign for a Deli

Another cool shuttered building

Filipino Town Placard 

We went to Sisig for lunch

Our Sisig (chicken livers and pork parts) with 
Java Rice

Filipino Chicharons 

This afternoon we went to Target Grocery because it is like a block away and we only needed a few ingredients for tomorrow night's meal.  It's a terrible place and you should never go!  Their selection was incredibly sparse and it was really expensive.  Never again!  (I didn't take any photos of this because I wasn't going to mention it but had to because it was so bad!)

Only 28 more days in LA!  We need to get going!  There is so much to do!  

Read all about our LA arrival yesterday here.


  1. Very cool. I love the bungalow with the tropical plants. The shuttered liquor store looks like it maybe used to be a theater. Speaking of theaters, did I ever tell you about the time Mom called the Flamingo Theater and asked what was showing? Spoiler: Everything was showing.

    1. Haha! Yea we are staying in a really great part of LA. I doubt we will make it to The Flamingo this trip. :)
