Friday, April 22, 2022

Looking Back - 4/17/2022 Cerro Alto Campground CA and Morrow Bay CA

Morrow Bay, CA 

A Day in Morrow Bay

Our breakfast table sponsored by Raisin Bran Crunchy! 
When you need Raisins, Bran, and Crunch grab a box of
Signature Brand Raisin Bran Crunchy! It's highish in fiber
and has about a quarter of your daily sugar intake.  

This morning we slept in again.  We have plans to meet some friends and go birding in Morrow Bay.  They are on their way up from LA and we are on our way down to LA so we thought we would meet.  We made breakfast on the picnic table because it was so nice.  We sat at our breakfast table and enjoyed the morning bird song.  Also, all of our stuff has dried out and things are great! 

Hot coffee action!

We had to meet in Morrow Bay at 10am which was a 15 minute drive so we relaxed until 9:30 and then gave ourselves 15 minutes to get the van drivable.  We have to empty the front seats of stored items, remove all of the window coverings, dry out the front window, fold up the mattress, and move the seats back to make the van drivable.  It isn't hard but it does take a little time.

We had a quick drive and met our friends at their hotel and then headed to Montana de Oro to do some walking and birding.

After birding for a bit we decided to go to lunch.  We had to be careful with what we picked because it was lunch on Easter Sunday so many fancier places were booked solid.  Our friend suggested Beach Hut Deli which turned out to be perfect.  They had a shaded patio with sun for Francis, a few beers on tap, and very good sandwiches.  Also, it wasn't crowded so we could take our time.

My Francis loves sun!

I could call this deli Tiki adjacent 

After lunch we agreed to meet up with them in Pasadena when they return from their trip and then headed back to the campsite to relax.  The relaxation was very strong.  We sat in our chairs in the shade of the gazebo and watched birds and talked about how great this trip is so far.  

Francis getting more sun

Our amazing site watching the birds in the sun
while we were in the shade

For dinner we headed up our frozen refried beans, cut some cheese (literally and figuratively later), and fried an egg to top it all off.  It's a great camping meal because you can make the beans before you leave, freeze them in a freezer bag inside the pot you will heat them in, and then use them as ice for the first few days.  This works with chili and pea soup also.  There is your Awesome camping hack for the day.  

Tomorrow we roll into LA and can take a shower!

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