Thursday, September 19, 2024

Spam Spam Spamity Spam! Museum

 Austin, MN

Spam Museum

Today we went to The Spam Museum in Austin, MN.  Donna checked out the website and it said traveling dogs are allowed in the museum as long as they are carried or in a carrier.  This is what ALL roadside attractions should do.  Most of the people visiting The Spam Museum are on a road trip and many of those people have dogs.  It's a smart move and I applaud it.  With that knowledge, we brought Francis and he had a great time, we think.  The Spam Museum is free and you get free Spamples (Spam Samples) while you walk around.  You can also buy Spam that is only sold in this store and it other countries.  

There was a Spam food truck in the parking lot but we already had lunch plans.

They had displays of cans of Spam from around the world.

They celebrated Spamalot 

They also had The Monte Python Spam skit running on loop.

I got to meet Sir Can-A-Lot

Francis is about 5 Spam Cans tall.

No snouts and hoofs

We got to sample Tocino flavored Spam from The Philippines 

I love me some Hormel Chili

I think I remember this advert.  

And they had a gift shop so we bought some stuff since admission was free.

We also got to sample Korean BBQ flavor.

I bought a shirt and 3 flavors of Spam.  The cans are meant for a family of five.  We will have to eat these over time.

We went to Tendermaid Hamburgers for lunch, a local hamburger stand.

Francis waited patiently for a taste of burger.

I got the chili cheese onion burger.  I had to eat it with a fork.

We also picked up Dodge County on this trip.  We are chipping away at the southeast corner.

That's it for today.  If you missed, Wisconsin Pizza Farm, check it out.  We went to a Pizza Farm with Francis.

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