Wednesday, August 21, 2024

The Biggest Cave in Minnesota

 Spring Valley, MN

Posing with Bat Art and our tickets.

Mystery Cave State Park

Today we drove south through Mower County among others, and into Fillmore County to visit Mystery Cave State Park.  Apparently it was named by workers clearing the cave of debris.  One was heard saying, "Why anyone would work in this cave is a mystery to me."  That isn't a great story but I didn't make it up so don't shoot the messenger.

Why anyone would want to visit this cave isn't a mystery.  It's awesome!  There are a few different tours you can choose (you have to pre-book) so we chose a 1 hour tour that runs on weekdays.  The tour started at the Visitor's Center.  

The cave is all locked up tight.  It's a 13 mile maze so you need a guide.

It's an active cave so the formations are still growing due to the dripping water leaving deposits.

It's a constant 47ish degrees so jackets are needed year round.  I hear 47 degrees is warm in the winter.

The formations are surreal.  They remind me of working Big Thunder Mountain.  They also remind me of...

This is the Turquoise Lake at the end of the tour.  It's man made.  It was a river but the original "Owner" dammed up the area to make a pool of water.

The Visitor's Center has a gift shop with some cool merch.

Thank You My Try Cave!  More like My Didn't Try very hard.

This is also a pretty crappy depiction of the cave.  I should send them some of my photos.  They aren't great but they are better than these.

There is also a pay phone outside.  I guess it's still here because cell service is bad.

On the way home we stopped in Rochester, MN to get ice cream at Flapdoodles.  The ice cream was great and it wasn't very expensive.  We will be stopping here again but getting the child's size next time.

It's very popular

That's it for today.  If you missed, Another County Fair, check it out.  It was practice for our upcoming State Fair visit.

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