Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Going Atomic!

 Albuquerque, NM

I tried to play Missile Command but the Stella Emulator wasn't running and there was no mouse.

The National Museum of Nuclear Science and History

Today we headed back to The National Museum of Nuclear Science and History.  We were here in October of 2021 on our visit to Santa Fe.  It's a cool museum but half of it was closed and it was very popular because of that Barbenheimer movie.  We didn't spend a lot of time there for all of the reasons listed above but we did get in free with our Science Museum Reciprocal Membership.  

Their temporary exhibit was called At Play in the Atomic Age

They had a lot of Atomic inspired toys

And even referenced Atomic inspired music

After looking at the music list, 

I had to play Kraftwerk

Train Broken!

Atari Broken!

Donna selected a song to play while we exited the exhibit

We have been to Arco Idaho

Where can I get one of these?

There was a raffle for a dream vacation to San Antonio Texas!  I didn't enter.

After the museum I went into the gift shop.  Last time we were there they were selling Trinitite. Trinitite was created when they tested the nuclear bomb.  A friend of ours casually mentioned that it was one of the things he really wanted when we were hanging out so I looked for some for him.  They were sold out.  And they aren't making any more.

Pinball Practice

My next pinball tournament is a big one in Phoenix.  It will be at The Electric Bat. They have 59 machines, some of which I have never played before, so I am trying to learn basic strategy on as many as I can over the next few weeks.  Diner and T2 are both there and I am not versed on those machines so I headed over to Boxing Bear Brewing Corrales to practice after watching a few videos.

The older machines were in the very back

I bought a very light beer and spent 2 hours nursing it while I played pinball.

I had never played Diner before.  

Next time I go I will study Dr. Dude and Eight Ball Champ so I can get better scores on those.  I also still need to get much better at Guardians of the Galaxy.

That's it for today.  If you missed Albuquerque Pinball Tournament, check it out.  I go into great detail on how they work.

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