Thursday, September 21, 2023

Old School Roller Skating

 Arvada, CO

Get funky y'all!  

Skate City

Today we went to "Adult Skate and Workout" at Skate City in Arvada, CO. We arrived at 10:15am and paid our $5 to get in and were given rental skates.  It was my first time on traditional roller skates in about 20 years.  After getting my skates on, I skated over to the doughnut table and grabbed a "free" doughnut.  At 10:30 the skating started.  All in all, there were about 25 skaters that attended and there was 1 fantastic "skating leader".  She knew most people's names, including ours, and skated with us (she is in the upper left of the photo above, while keeping the music requests playing.

Mmmmmm, doughnuts!

Old School skates!

After the first half hour Kelly, our skate leader, blocked off part of the rink and passed out squares of carpet just like in kindergarten.  We weren't entering "Nap Time" tough, we were entering "Workout and Stretching Time".  I thought it was going to be casual but Kelly was a drill sergeant.  Have you ever done leg lifts, crunches, squats, and planks with skates on?  I have.  

After exercising, the cones came out and people practiced their sweet moves.

And then the skate dancing started to old school hip hop songs.

It was super fun and we will probably do it every Wednesday until we leave.  I fell twice but that was because my confidence was coming back faster than my skills.  By the end of the session my confidence and skills were high but my legs were tired so I chose to take it easy.  Next week I will push myself again and hopefully I will get back to where I was in Jr. High minus the flexibility for "Shoot the Duck" and "Limbo".

That's it for today.  If you missed Confluence Park, check it out.  We are staying right near the point where Cherry Creek flows into The South Platt River.

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