Sunday, August 20, 2023

Day 10 of Folklorama - Scandinavia

 Winnipeg, MB

I got to hold a very heavy helmet.  I could have worn it but I chose not to.

Dog Show!

This morning we got in the car and drove north to East St. Paul to attend a dog show.  Dog shows are cool and all but we were mostly looking for a special collar for Francis.  We want to find him a better Martingale collar.  We didn't find a collar but we did see the dog show.

Before the dog show we pried Francis out of bed and took him for a walk.

Donna reads a Project Bookmark in the park.  These are across Canada

We made Francis sit in front of this lion and he really didn't know what to think of the ask.

The dog show we attended wasn't part of the American Kennel Club because Canada isn't a part of America, it's a part of Canada so it is in the Canadian Kennel Club.  It is, however, located in North America along with us, I mean The U.S., but don't confuse America with North America because they aren't the same thing.  Also the Canadian Kennel Club, or CKC for short is different than the Continental Kennel Club, or CKC for short.

The AKC and CKC are similar but the AKC recognizes a few more breeds.

I'm not sure if the AKC recognizes this dog that can transform into a caterpillar and I am also not sure if that caterpillar goes on to transform into a butterfly.

Well I spoiled the fact that we didn't find the collar at the top of this post.  We spent about a half an hour there checking things out and then headed home.

On the drive back Donna got this photo of a traveling Canadian minstrel.  

Air Show

On the drive home we noticed jets flying overhead in formation.  Donna had read about an Air Show happening in the area so we ruled out the fact that Canada had gone to war.  We got home in time to get to the roof to see a few of the final flyovers.  

The Snowbirds and their contrails over downtown Winnipeg.

This is the view from the roof.  I don't think there are any jets in this photo.

Folklorama Scandinavia, This Time It's the Last One

Later that evening we drove to the Scandinavian Cultural Centre to attend the Scandinavian Pavilion.  It was another small venue but I don't think they oversold it because we got seats and food.  The food was great, as we expected and the show was very entertaining.

More hot food line action!

The stage reminded us of the old Norway ride, Maelstrom EPCOT.

I got the Swedish Meatball plate

and a couple of desserts I couldn't pronounce.

Donna got the shrimp sandwich, the pickled herring sampler, and a strawberry rhubarb compote.

I also got a beer from Denmark with a Viking on the front.

Our utensils were basically slightly sharpened popsicle sticks.

The show was sort of a play.  It was themed as Scandinavia's Got Talent.  They listed different bands from The Scandinavian Region and then sang parts of an Aqua song and parts of an ABBA song.

They paraded out all of the flags of Scandinavia and Canada and we got our 2nd crack at singing the Canadian National Anthem.  I think we have the Oh Canada start down pretty good now.

There were various dances by youngings

and middleins

Every so often the "stage hand" would come out and say part of the program had changed, like Björk not being able to make it.  In the end, everyone won Scandinavia's Got Talent.

except for this kid.  I am convinced this kid is a time traveling killer from the 1984 movie, "Children of the Corn". 

Now you can see it right?

After the show we watched a Lawn Gnome spin yarn

And saw a tiny Viking ship.

It was another great show with great food but now Folklorama is over and we will have to find other things to do.  We still have about 3 weeks so keep coming back to see what we find.

That's it for today.  If you missed Day 9 of Folklorama - First Nations check it out.

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