Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Big Laughs at Minnehaha Falls

 Minneapolis, MN

You can see the falls between us.  Francis looks ready to go.

Minnehaha Regional Park

Today we took a short drive to Minnehaha Regional Park to see the falls and visit the dog park.  The falls were nice but the dog park was the star of the trip.  It was huge, well shaded, had hiking trails, and Francis met a ton of friendly dogs.  He had such a good time.

The road along the park is an American Byway.  Here is a map with all of them and it is very hard to read.

We saw fungus too!

We are in our last week in Minneapolis so we are checking off the last few items on the list.  If you missed Kanabec County Fair check it out.  We went to a tiny county fair.

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