Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Walking Cincinnati

 Cincinnati, OH

Guess what city I am in?  :)

Walking US 27 Truck Route

Today I did a 7 mile walk around Cincinnati.  I wanted to get some more of the numbered highways we haven't been on so I walked them.  It was a very urban walk but I saw some cool stuff.

I recorded my walking route.

I saw The Heidelberg Beer Distribution Center.

This is the Train Station (we will go here soon).

The highway takes you underneath it.

Roadside thistle and roadside bumble bee

An old Button Copy I-75 sign with demountable elements (sign nerd stuff).

I walked out on the Clay Wade Bailey Bridge until I entered Kentucky and then turned around.

On the way back I watched this GPS guided Turf Tank stripe the Bengal's practice field.

Since I was down there I walked the John A Roebling Suspension Bridge.  It isn't a numbered highway but it is a cool old bridge.

Walking by the Sheriff's office I saw this.  

I swung by Hark Rock Cincinnati to take a look.  It's nothing special IMHO and the poker room was large but not full on a Sunday.

I have seen this mural walking around but decided to document it today.

That was my adventure for today.  It was a fun walk with some cool discoveries.  I also filled in some more numbered highways in the area without having to drive.  If you missed Driving from Ohio to Switzerland check it out.  You probably already guessed that it isn't the Switzerland you originally think of when you read Switzerland.

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