Sunday, April 16, 2023

The Czech Festival and a Tornado Warning

 St. Louis, MO

We got a selfie with the folks in traditional attire

Czech Festival

Today we took a Lyft to The Czech Festival.  Donna had read about it in the newspaper and we bought our Roast Duck and Goulash Meals ahead of time because they can run out.  We got there just after it opened and got our lunch and then started exploring.  It had said that credit was accepted but most stuff was cash so I had to run to an ATM between downpours.  I also got to wait in line with cars waiting for the drive through.

The bar at the American Czech Center was vintage and cool

Goulash up front duck in the back!

It was pretty empty for the first hour.  The band played all of the classics and there were 3 accordions! 

Me in line behind 2 cars at the drive through ATM

We purchased shot glasses and tried some Czech brandy

They had a few announcements before the main band came on

I was told Gus' Pretzels were a must.  It was cold and not very good.  Maybe they are better fresh.

On the way out I found the sing for the festival.

Tornado Watch Warning

We left the festival ahead of tonight's storm.  It is supposed to be a big one.  At around 5 we were under a Tornado Watch but at about 6:45 it turned into a Tornado Warning.  The warning lasted for about an hour and now we are back under Tornado Watch.  During the warning we sat in the basement and Donna worked on her knitting and comforted Francis and I played Animal Crossing and made memes.

Here is a graphic to help visualize watch vs. warning.

To the bat basement!

Lots of words and red text, must be bad!

Time for Animal Crossing in my new kicks!

As soon as I got to the basement I had to pee so I thought of this.

This is our 4th or 5th Warning and our 2nd Watch on this trip

I took this just after the heavy stuff with hail passed over us.

Right now there is still lighting and thunder that makes us stop and say, "wow".  We are under Taco, I mean Tornado Watch for another 2 hours and it could turn into a Tornado Warning again but it looks mostly green where we are so I think we are good for this one.

That was it for today (or at least quite enough).  If you missed We Took Francis to a Museum, Sort of check it out via the link.

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