Friday, March 10, 2023

Art at the Brooks

 Memphis, TN

Cool seats at the Brooks Museum of Art

The Memphis Brooks Museum of Art

Today Donna and I used our NARM pass to visit The Memphis Brooks Museum of Art.  It's a nice museum with a diverse collection of art.  Part of it was closed for an exhibit opening that opens tomorrow so we might head back to see that too.  Despite being there before the exhibit opening, there was still plenty to see.

Winter was missing for some reason

The lobby was being prepped for the exhibit opening tomorrow.  The artist will be speaking at the opening.

May I drink a beer out of this?

"I give you all of the cares!"

"Reading by the Brook" - Winslow Homer

It isn't the smile of the Mona Lisa but it is very familiar....

Ah yes!  That's it!

We loved this one.  It looked like our dog Tom playing with a friends dog Pesto when they first met.

A very nice Frank Lloyd Wright chair.

"Still Life No 1 with Flowers" - Florine Stettheimer

"Waterfall #1, Lao Valley, Maui" - Georgia O'Keeffe commissioned by Dole (of Dole Pineapples) 

"Engineer's Dream" - Thomas Hart Benton  I really loved this one.  Thomas Hart Benton is great and this is a great work IMHO.

"The Gleaners" - Burton Callicott  I really loved this tone too

"The Family" - Marisol

"Little Junk Shop" - Grace Hartigan  I also really like this one.

"Memphis On My Mind" - Red Grooms

"Untitled" - Chakaia Booker

"Pollock #3" - Robert Arneson

"Mandara" - Lino Tagliapietra

"Shag" - Hank Murta Adams

"Vase" - Wilhelm Kralik Sohn and "Jack-in-the-Pulpit Vase" - Tiffany & Co.

"Without the Vision of Woman Artists and Artists of Color, You're Seeing Less than Half the Picture" - Guerilla Girls

"Sunday at the Marshes" - Carroll Cloar

"Where the Southern Cross the Yellow Dog" - Carroll Cloar

"Halloween" - Carroll Cloar (the figures in the background do represent Ku Kluxers per the artist)

"Avenue of Trees" - Carroll Cloar

The museum is hoping to expand.  They have concepts for a really cool space right on the Mississippi

"Memphis on the Missippi" - Carl Moore

" Bookshelf and Sunbeams" - Burton Callicott

"Home and Hearth" - Willie Cole

The museum featured a cool interactive area for kids (and me).  I wish more museums did things like this.

The doors on this painting opened up and triggered sounds and you could fined things inside the cabinets.

This exhibit featured a screen on the ceiling and buttons you could push to change the art and music.

I do love dress up!  Hopefully I didn't get lice.

The Brooks was a great museum worth a visit.  If you missed my previous post you can find it here. We rode the trolley and explored downtown a bit.

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