Saturday, February 25, 2023

Exploring Memphis

 Memphis, TN

Waiting for Fish Pudding and Tomato Aspic.

The Daily Memphian Sent Us

Today we started our Memphis exploration at The Calvary Episcopal Church's Waffle Shop. Donna read about it in The Daily Memphian.  It is a luncheon served in the basement of the church W-F during Lent only.  They serve a number of old school dishes including Fish Pudding (not what you would picture if I said, "Fish Pudding"), Tomato Aspic, Shrimp Mousse as well as other dishes I will post about when we go next week.  Friday is Fish Pudding day.  We ordered a few plates and split them and then rolled out of the basement stuffed.  It was really fun and something we will do a few times while we are here because there are other plates we want to try.  Donna described the plates as, "all from the old school Joy of Cooking".

The Calvary Salad Plate includes, starting top left and working our way clockwise, Shrimp Mousse, Tomato Aspic, Pear Half with Cottage Cheese, and Chicken Salad in the center, all topped with House Made Mayonnaise.  

The Fish Pudding Plate includes Potatoes, Slaw, Corn Bread, and Fish Pudding (pretty much tuna casserole with bread instead of noodles and white fish instead of tuna).

We split the Chocolate Bourbon Cake.  It was really good.

The entrance or exit if you prefer

Bonus Beer Bar Content!

Yesterday we hit up the happing area of Cooper Young.  Cooper Young is the neighborhood we are in.  It is in the area where Cooper St. crosses Young St.  We visited a beer bar and sat outside in the sun.  It was like 71 degrees where today is 43 degrees.

Hammer and Ale serves up local beers

This is the local whiskey.  

This is what it looks like with a ball of ice that isn't very clear.

Jon and Johnny C hanging out

That's it for today (and yesterday).  If you missed yesterday's post you can find it here.  We are just getting started here in Memphis.  Tune in for more adventures!

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