Thursday, December 15, 2022

Marked Safe from the NOLA Tornado

 New Orleans, LA

Our first Tornado Warning

Extreme Weather

Last night we experienced our first Tornado Watch and then our first Tornado Warning.  A Tornado Watch means be prepared and a Tornado Warning means take action.  The action we took was to make sure we knew what we were going to do if we heard a tornado.  We got a loud notification from our phone which was muted that the Warning was on.  We moved away from the window and decided the hall would be the best place to wait it out if it came to that.  The rain was hard and the lighting and thunder was intense but we didn't experience strong winds or a tornado where we are.  We did lose power for about 5 minutes.  Long enough for us to grab our solar camping lantern and have it ready.  A pretty strong tornado did touch down about 3 miles away in almost the same path that one took in March. Tornados also hit all around the Louisiana and Mississippi area and even Texas.  Reports show that there were 3 fatalities. 

This morning we went for a walk with Francis and things look normal in our area.  The normal amount of water, the normal amount of leaves, and the normal number of intact roofs.  We feel very fortunate that nothing went wildly wrong for us.  

Taken before the heavy rain started.  It seems like the water has been in this construction area for a while.

That's it for today.  If you missed yesterday's post you can find it here.

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