Monday, December 12, 2022

Last New County Progress for the Year

 New Orleans, LA

Parish Collecting on a ferry

2 New Parishes and a Ferry

Today we did a short 1.5 hour drive to get 2 new parishes and to cross the Mississippi River in a ferry again.  Josh and Sophie are collecting counties also so it was a great opportunity for us to all get 2 new parishes.  

The route took us through St. Bernard Parish and Plaquemines Parish and across the Might Mississippi on the Belle Chase Ferry.  The ferry crossing was only $1 so it was a bargain!  After the parish collecting trip we swung by Metairie Cemetery to see some old dead people or at least the structures the old dead people are buried in.

Parked on top of the levee

There she is!  Plaquemine's Pride!

We drove by The Superdome and Smoothie King Arena

The cemetery will trade you a CD Audio Tour for your driver's license

The tour highlighted many dead confederates.  It got to be so much we turned the tour off and just drove around.

This is the way Louisiana is going to look for us until next year.

It was a cool drive.  If you missed yesterday's post you can read it here.

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