Sunday, October 30, 2022

The Collector of Nothing

 Somewhere USA

Cheers to your collection!

Collecting, but not things

Right now there is a State Tracking website that is going viral and a few of my friends (Sergey and Mile L. to name drop two) have sent it to me to see where I stand. We are currently on an indefinite cross country, nomadic living trip.  We started in April of this year and have no plans to stop.  If you want to read about it from the beginning you can start here.  Warning, there is a lot to read.  The state tracking site is interesting because it allows people to track where they have been and it even gives them a score so they can compare themselves to other fellow travelers.  As I filled it out it caused me to think about how I collect these days.  Over the years I have collected many things including coin banks, shells, stamps, coins, and video games.  At times those collections have taken up a lot of space and even monthly storage units.  They took up much more space than we have in our 2017 Dodge Grand Caravan.  Thankfully I have gotten rid of these collections over time and even gotten some of my investments back by selling them off.  Now I collect nothing, well nothing tangable.  I collect lists of experiences that I keep in various tracking docs and sites much like the state tracking site mentioned above.  

Here is my current score but it will increase in the next few days as we pass through AL and MS and settle into LA for 2 months.

Some of my collection

The above image is interesting but my tracking is much more granular than by state. 

I track by county! Something my friend Lyle introduced me to. I keep track by year. Purple is 2022 when we really started moving around after retirement.

While we travel from city to city and county to county I also collect quite a few other things.  I have a Google Sheet that I use to track some of these.

Counties visited by month

Breweries Visited

Transit ridden

Places I have played pinball

Tiki Bars I have been to

Birds I have seen and where I saw them

Even beers that I have tasted and where I tasted them (many of these are samples or sips from Donna's beer)

Stretches of highway traveled.

And places I have spent the night (Thanks to my friend Jeff for this idea)

These are just some of the more interesting things I track.  I also track all kinds of other things.  It fulfills the need to collect without the baggage of having things.  

If you missed yesterday's post you can find it here.  I was probably collecting something of some sort.

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