Monday, April 11, 2022

Seattle, It Isn't Goodbye, It's See You Later

Kirkland, WA

The Final Day 

We have arrived at our final full day in Washington.  We are sitting in a largely empty apartment waiting for Podzilla to come and pick our stuff up.  We are also waiting to do a walkthrough with our apartment manager to try to maximize our deposit return.  I went and go doughnuts at our favorite place this morning, Factory Doughnuts, and we are eating them while drinking our coffee.  Seattle is known for its good doughnuts but those are fancy cake doughnuts that are good for The Instagram.  We like the good old fashion deep fried raised doughnuts so that is what we are eating. The box says it all!

We do deserve a doughnut!
While enjoying our favorite doughnuts, we also think about all of the other great things here in the Seattle area.  We have great Friends, there are great breweries, there is great nature, and the weather makes everything green and misty for most of the year.  We will miss here but we look forward to all of the other "heres" we will experience on our journey. 
What Francis is doing right now

Thinking back

We have been here for 5 years (2 in a high rise in Seattle proper and 3 in Kirkland) and enjoyed our time.  We were going through memoires yesterday and thinking of all of the good times.  

We took multiple camping trips to the San Juan Islands visiting all the islands you can visit by ferry.

I got invited to watch the first public training day for the new Seattle Kraken Hockey Team.

I was invited to see 2 games and we won them both!

The 2nd game had a much more elaborate introduction sequence for the team.  

We got to use our Library card to get into various museums around Seattle.

Francis enjoys the woodsy dog park here in Kirkland.

We volunteered for the local Greyhound rescue helping turn out the dogs (play with them in a field) once a week on Monday nights. 

I can't really fit five years of memories here in one post.  I guess this is why I am starting this blog.  It is 2022 and I hear everyone has a blog.  I know YouTube or Instagram would be more popular but one of my goals is to write more and those other two platforms don't really fit the goal so a blog it is!

The two takeaways I want you to take away from this post is that in 2022 you need a blog and a library card.

We hit the road tomorrow and won't have fast internet until next Monday.  I am trying to figure out what I will do on the road.  It may just be a cell post that says, "I'm here!  Things are going well!  Pictures soon!"  But wee will see.  I change my mind a lot because I can.

1 comment:

  1. I think I also deserve a donut!
    Looking forward to following your adventures. :)
