Sunday, October 9, 2022

A Neighborhood Festival and The Squeekness

 Baltimore, MD

The Pigtown Festival

Today's adventure was almost right outside our front door.  We are staying in The Pigtown Neighborhood of Baltimore and today is The Pigtown Festival.  We got there right at noon when it started to enjoy the festivities before it got too crowded.  We looked at all of the vendors and things to do and then we split a pit beef sandwich and had a beer at Suspended Brewing while we waited for the Squeekness Pig Races to start.  The sandwich was so good that we each got another one a bit later. 

A Hat Making station for kids!

Oh yea!

Where the Squeekness will take place in about 30 minutes

We found a table just outside the brewery and chilled


Soon the Pigtown mascot led a drum line down the street bringing the crowds with them.

The Drumline was great!

I tried to get a spot to see a bit of the pig race

I could only see a bit.  You can see the pigs running along the outside of the track

We returned for a 2nd helping of Pit Beef.  You can see the smokers and the meat cutter.  This was the good stuff

I could get used to Pit Beef being the official meal of where I live. 

Soon the festival was packed with people having a great time.  On the way out Donna bought her Baltimore Shirt here.  It's an official Pigtown Festival T-shirt.  We spent the rest of the day back home cooking and listening to people come and go while visiting the festival.  It was a fun day and only a few steps from our Airbnb.  That's one of the advantages of staying in a big city with great neighborhoods.  

If you missed yesterday's post you can find it here.  We spent the day in D.C.


  1. This pig race reminds me of the Tillamook Pig 'N' Ford, which is a one-of-a-kind experience that I highly recommend if you ever happen to be in the area at the right time.

  2. Also, I really want a Pit Beef sandwich. That looks incredible.

    1. Baltimore City is its own county so I am sure you will be close to one at some point.
