Wednesday, September 21, 2022

The State Capitol in the Capital City

 Annapolis, MD

What's George looking at?

Capitol vs. Capital vs. Capitil

Okay I made that last one up but the I also had made up what I thought was Capitol vs. Capital before today when I really found out.  I had thought Capitol referred to a the city and building where governing took place in a state and Capital was like having a capital time or needing capital to start a business.  I was part right.  Here is the straight scoop from the internet that does not lie;

"Capital can be a noun or an adjective. Capital can refer to uppercase letters, accumulated wealth, or the city that serves as the seat of a country’s or state’s government."

"In the United States, the Capitol is a building in Washington in which the US Congress meets."

So the Capitol Building is in the State Capital city!  Dumb IMHO.  

We learned this on our road trip to Annapolis, MD.  We kept seeing signs along the highway that said, Annapolis State Capital.  When I saw it I thought it was a typo because I knew I was right because I always am until I'm not so Donna looked it up and read it to me and we both were surprised.  I am sure I got this wrong at some point in my previous posts so sorry!

Visiting Annapolis, Maryland's Capital City

Today we drove to Annapolis, MD.  We had both wanted to see the Capitol Building, which turns out they call The State House, and I also made a Kaiser appointment for my annual physical and Annapolis was the best place for the time frame that I needed.

It's about a 35 minute drive when there isn't traffic.  There are so many trees along the highways and they are broadleaf trees and not evergreens so it looks very different to me who is used to not many trees or a ton of pine trees.

The State house is in an area with a ton of brick buildings.  It reminded me of Independence Hall at Knott's Berry Farm. 

There is construction on the State House as well as this poor skeleton next to it.

The dome is wrapped for construction sadly.

All of the Capitol Buildings we have been to recently have abandoned their massive front entrances and use small side entrances so they can use security check points and metal detectors when you enter. 

You couldn't go in to the House Chamber but you could look in.

The 40 Square Foot Tiffany Skylight isn't as colorful as you would think a Tiffany Skylight would be.

I like looking at the carpet.  This one is okay but the carpet in Salem, OR is way better.

The Senate Chambers were closed off.  I assume they have E.T. in there and are probing him.

Unlike many of the Capitol Buildings we have been to, Maryland's doesn't have many areas to explore.  Much of it is blocked off.

There was a silver piece for each of the counties of Maryland

This used to be the Archives Room.  It's fire proof and it feels like you are in a fireplace when you enter.

This is a replica of the dome in the old Archives Room.  It is or at least was all wood so I guess I understand why you can't go up there.

The dome uses a lightning rod designed by Ben Franklin

Here is the actual inner dome which is boring and all white like most kitchens in model homes.

They had a whole room dedicated to Washing resigning as commander in chief after the American Revolution.  Washington's resignation set the precedent of civilian control of the American military, a tradition later enshrined in the United States Constitution which designated the president as commander-in-chief.

George Washington and  Lieutenant Colonel Tench Tilghman (the one on the right with the sword)

That sword...

Is this sword.  Pretty cool.  The actual sword from a very early American painting.

George Washington

Frederick Douglas was born a slave and escaped to freedom in Baltimore.   He became an important writer, publisher, and orator.  He published a number of abolitionist newspapers.

A statue of Harriet Tubman, who worked with the underground railroad to help enslaved people escape to the north.

The State House was much smaller than we expected.  We still learned a lot and there was really cool stuff to look at but it doesn't make it to the top of our list for State Capitol Buildings.

Kaiser in Maryland

It's been about a year since Donna and I have had physicals and check ups.  We are both feeling fine but it's always good to get the red dots on my head looked at and get bloodwork done.  We had planned on a trip back to Washington State so we could book appointments because we are ensured through Northwest Kaiser.  As a last ditch effort to prevent a long journey back to the west coast only to return to the east cost we did some research and you can get a travelers patient number for the different Kaiser affiliates thought-out the us.  We looked and Maryland has a Kaiser option so we got Kaiser Care Patient IDs for Kaiser Mid-Atlantic.  I was able to get all of my bloodwork done in Annapolis and am even getting a dermatologist referral so I can get my bumps read.  I was also able to get my Flu Shot and my Covid Variant Booster.  

The less glamorous part of travel.

That's it for today.  If you missed yesterday's post you can read it here.

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