Thursday, September 1, 2022

On The Road Again, Starting Chapter Five

 Kansas City, MO

This map is a little messy but the gray and dark orange counties are the route we are taking.  Black is already visited and orange is a county with a state park in it for camping planning.

Road Trip!

Today we left for our 2 week road trip between Chapter Four (KC) and Chapter Five (Baltimore).  We will visit 9 States, Camp in 5 different states, visit another capitol, and see friends in Chicago.  We will be away from Wi-Fi for a bit so posts will be fewer and shorter.  You can use this time to catch up on previous posts using the key words.  Here are some key word searches to get you started.

Tags By State

Other Tags

You can also check out yesterday's post here.


  1. When you're going to be gone from this blog for a few days/weeks, I suggest your posting a photo of Francis as the top image on your last post before the hiatus (as you did in this post). That way, every time I check in to see if you've posted, I get to see the Handsomest Boy (dog edition). Please give him some pets for me!

  2. Wait! Crap, no. I posted this on the wrong blog entry. Ha ha!

    1. I will continue to try to capture Francis for his fans whenever possible. :)
