Friday, September 23, 2022

Baltimore Museum of Art and Public Transit

 Baltimore, MD

Me and Art (we go way back)

Maryland Public Transit

Today we walked to The Inner Harbor and grabbed a bus to The Baltimore Museum of Art.  We took the Purple Charm City Circulator.  The Charm City Circulator is a free bus service provided by The City of Baltimore.  It has 4 lines connecting most of the cities tourist areas and it also connects to MTA which is the Maryland Transit Authority.  

An unreadable map to give you an idea of the coverage.  You can see the real one here.

Well marked Bus Stop Signs.  They should say FREE in big print because some people were trying to pay.

It arrived right on time.

Clean and comfy.  This was before a bunch of people got on a few stops later.  The riders were very diverse which is great.

The seats aren't cloth which is good in our opinion.

Happy Riders!
Baltimore Museum of Art

Our 26 minute ride took us right to the Baltimore Museum of Art.  It's a free museum and you just walk in.  There was a front desk and I went up to it and asked what we should do and they said, "Enjoy".  No registration or anything. We put our rain coats in the free lockers provided and then headed to the cafe for some late lunch / dinner.  We got a late start.  Lunch was really good and the desserts were nice too.  After lunch we explored the art.  It's a great museum and deserves a few hours of your attention if you are in Baltimore and have the time.

Is the E burned out or is it art?  We will never know.

Even museums do the color square on the wall thing.

My local museum beer

Dan Flavin Untitled.  We saw Dan Flavin Fort Worth too

Barbara Kruger Untitled.  We have seen Barbara Kruger at a number of museums on this trip.  Most notably, our LACMA visit.

Jadé Fadojutimi Vital Abundance 2020

Andy Warhol Ladies and Gentlemen (Wilhelmina Ross) 1975  This was another commissioned piece.  I think the color is a bit off in the photo because the wall was white.  Not sure what happened with the camera here.

Emma Amos Tumbling After 1986

Henri Matisse Still Life, Bouquet of Dahlias and White Book 1923

Henri Matisse Interior with Dog 1934

Henry Matisse Painter in Olive Grove 1922

Henry Matisse Purple Robe and Anemones 1937

Henry Matisse Blue Nude 1907

Marie Laurencin Group of Artists 1908 I really like this one.  

Pablo Picasso Mother and Child 1922

Ernst Ludwig Kirchner Flower Beds in the Dresden Gardens c. 1910

Mary Cassatt Portrait of Madame J (Young Woman in Black) 1879-1880

Claude Monet Charing Cross Bridge, Reflections on the Thames 1899-1904

Johan Barthold Jongkind Moonlight on the Canal 1856

Jean-Baptiste Pillement Landscape with Ruin 1791

I really liked the detailed area in this painting and the next one.  It really stood out to me and something that was painted in 1791.

Jean-Baptiste Pillement Landscape with Cattle 1791

We exited through the giftshop

More John Waters in Baltimore.  I hope we keep finding him here.

After the museum we took the bus back and watched Sickies Making Films.  We watched it on Kanopy but I am sure you can watch it elsewhere too if you want to.  We really enjoyed it after watching the John Waters lecture yesterday.  If you missed that post you can see it here.

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