Thursday, August 4, 2022

Kemper Museum, Boulevard Brewing, and Union Station

 Kansas City, MO

We had coffee and pie in the Kemper Museum Café

Transit to The Kemper Museum

This morning we got up and took Francis for a walk and then found our bus to The Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art.  The museum is free for everyone, all you need to do is book a ticket online so it's free for people with online access I guess.  We picked up our bus in the financial district and took it a few miles towards the Rockhill neighborhood.  We like museums and we like museum cafés and Café Sebastienne is just about as good as museum cafés get.  It has artwork hanging on all walls.  You are surrounded by art as you drink your coffee and eat your Key Lime Pie.  It's an incredible place and worth the stop.  There was even free coffee in the museum lobby sponsored by one of the artists and I chose to pay for my coffee.  That's how good the experience is.

We saw a Trolley Stop on our dog walk this morning.

Kansas City is known as The City of Fountains.  Here is one now.

Art Deco Doors

Our Bus Stop for our commute today

Complete with schedule that seems to be largely ignored

Our bus!  The MMAX

Public Art outside the museum

Eddie Martinez's Primary

Jiha Moon's Peony

One of Donna's Favorite modern artists is Frank Stella.  This is his The Prophet

Matthew Ritchie's Experienced Time

The "Outdoor" part of the café 

A collection of work by Alice Tippit

Gisela McDaniel's Always

There was audio for these pieces so there was a plastic sound reflector hanging a bit behind where you stand

Devan Shimoyama's Chakra Chart

Dan Gunn's The Ungrateful Son #8

I really liked Dan Gunn's Wetland Scenery

Hans Hofmann's Rising Sun

Café Sebastienne

As always, Donna is art!

My photo for The Insta

I'm staying. I'm finishing my coffee. Enjoying my coffee.

The "Outside" part from the inside

Son Young Park's The Island Table

Bianca Fields' Twin Flame Out I call it Scary Primate

Mona Cliff / HanukGahNe's Conjured Topography

Everyone has a Chihuly

Louise Bourgeois' Spider

Me and Spider

After the museum visit we walked to our next bus stop.  We headed to Boulevard Brewing Company

The Fountain of Ewes

A film crew blocking our bus stop

Donna leading the way

 After Boulevard, we walked to Kansas City Union Station.  We wanted to get the KC Streetcar.  Union Station turned out to be a very nice surprise.  There were bars and a lot of history being shown.

We walked by The IRS building

The IRS Building

Also The National Archives

Don't like the way I drive?  Stay off the sidewalk!

Another fountain

Stairway to nowhere.  Just like The Winchester Mystery House

We might be back

There is also a Children's Science Museum

So we ended up spending way more time in Union Station than we thought we would.  It was really cool.  After Union Station it was a very short walk to The KC Streetcar.  

The Streetcar going the other way was sponsored by KC Current, the local Women's Football Club.

It was a great day of exploration in Kansas City.  We are looking forward to seeing more in the coming month.

If you missed yesterday's adventure check it out here.

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