Friday, July 22, 2022

Day 101 on the Road

 McKinney, TX

I took this photo using the screenshot tool on my computer.  Does that count?

Planning for next year

It's day 101 (Did I miss 100 or think 101 is cooler than 100?) of our Great US Road Trip.  We are closing out our last week in McKinney, TX and then moving on to Tulsa, OK for 2 nights.  We have Tiki, Pinball, a brewery, botanic gardens and museums planned for Tulsa so it will be packed with more than we can do during our short stay.  After Tulsa we drive to Kansas City, MO where we will be staying for a month.  We have a bunch of cool stuff planned for there too.  After KC we do a 2 week road trip with camping and hotels and then end up in Baltimore, MD.  We watched the whole series of Homicide: Life on the Streets preparing for our month in Baltimore.  
It's a great show.  It isn't streaming because they used a lot of contemporary music for the time and the expense of clearing it for streaming would be costly.

After Baltimore we do another 2 weeki-ish road trip down to Panama City, FL where we will be staying for a little over a month.  We plan on finishing up the Florida counties during this time and seeing some of Florida's beautiful state parks.  In December we will be in New Orleans for a month.  We have a friend that lives there and will see some sights with him and his wife and hopefully we will have 2 sets of visitors staying with us.  We ended up with a 2 bedroom 2 bath place so we hope to get full value out of the place by sharing it.  That takes us to January 5th 2023.  On January 8th we pick up a good friend or 2 and maybe 2 soon to be good friends and head to Disney World for a week. The group is already talking about what we want to do so it is sure to be an action packed week there.  

Donna and I hamming it up in Florida last year.  I am sure more adventures like this are in store for us.

Me in front of Spaceship Earth last year.  This will happen again.

Tron being built.  We are hoping it will be open by the time we get there next year.

After our 2023 Disney World trip we... , well that's the problem, we don't have any booked plans after January 15th 2023.  This is the problem we are working on now.  Where to after Disney World?

Hunting for the perfect month long stay

A month long stay needs to have;
- Parking for our van
- A comfortable looking couch with a TV
- A bed
- A bathroom
- A place to cook
- An accommodation for Francis
- Temperature control 

A month long stay should include;
- Easy access to mass transit
- A downtown or interesting area within walking distance
- A coffee maker
- A storage place for our bins

All of these checklist items go through our head when we are looking at Airbnbs and furnished apartments.  We also have to think about our monthly budget for housing.  It's basically what we had been spending on rent, internet, and utilities before we hit the road.  Some of our monthly stays end up over budget but then others end up under budget.  The hotels and camping fees also feed into this "housing budget" so the more we camp, the more we have to spend on stays.  As I type this, Donna is narrowing down places for the next stay we are planning.  It's a place I have visited but haven't spent much time exploring.  I will let you all know our new plans as we book them.

Now, what are your questions?  :)

If you didn't catch up on what we did yesterday, you can read all about Texas Liquor Laws here.

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