Saturday, July 2, 2022

51 in McKinney

 McKinney, TX

Downtown McKinney, TX is a cute place

Getting Settled

This morning we got up early to enjoy the hour of good weather here in McKinney.  We grabbed our binoculars and took Francis for a walk around the block at 6am.  It was a nice walk that resulted in seeing a Mississippi Kite which is a first for us.  We also got good views of Northern Cardinals, Northern Mockingbirds, Blue Jays, White-Winged Doves, and heard a lot of Carolina Wrens but didn't see any yet.  

After our refreshing walk we went back to bed and proceeded to sleep until almost 10am which kind of threw off our whole day.  We are in a new zone so we will give ourselves a pass this once.  

We began unpacking and settling.  Every new Airbnb has its own issues.  This one gets really hot and bright in the afternoon where the couch and TV are so we pulled out our van window blinds made of reflectix and propped them up in the windows.  Hopefully that does the trick.  We also started unpacking our bins and finding a place for everything.  We are going to be here a month so we need to get settled.  

One of our two bathrooms is vintage and I like it

The main bedroom is very large and will work just fine.  There is a weird observation area for the bed.  We figured you wake up and sit there and reminisce about how great your sleep was whilst drinking coffee.

The 2nd bedroom is also large and now has near empty bins in it.

Francis is finding the couch comfortable.  Eagled Eyed readers will see the beer on the table.  This photo was actually taken yesterday afternoon and not before our morning walk. :)

I took a selfie in the mirror

This Airbnb comes with basic cable so we will be watching The Weather Channel and Turner Classic Movies

Our reflectix solution is working well.  We made these from salvaged Hello Fresh insulation bags

The neighborhood we are in is great with old houses in a historic district.  We noticed Smiley Face signs in about 1/3rd of the yards so I Googled it and found this out.

There are houses for sale.  We might swing by this one to be a lookie-loo on Saturday.

El Rancho Supermercado

In the early afternoon we went to El Rancho Supermercado just a half a mile away.  We wanted to buy some food and get a birthday cake.  We ended up doing both.  They had a great selection of ingredients so we have a few meals to prep when we aren't out exploring.  Instead of buying 1 big cake we bought 3 small cakes so we could taste all of the flavors!

Birthday Celebration

At around 7 we got together with Sharon (Donna's Sister), Terry, and Erika and went to Downtown McKinney for dinner.  It was Sharon's Birthday the other day so we made it a combo celebration.  We found a burger place that had a nice beer selection and had a nice meal catching up and talking about our future adventures.  

Downtown McKinney is preparing for the 4th of July weekend celebration.  It's decked out in Red, White, and Blue

Square Burger had about 30 local taps.  

It was a nice mellow day after a few days of driving.  We are looking forward to our time in McKinney / Dallas.  We already have Tiki and pinball picked out.  I am sure to tell you all about it when the time comes.

If you haven't read about our yesterday and learned all about Texas U-Turns, you can catch up here.

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