Monday, June 27, 2022

Packing and Cleaning Day

 Denver, CO

Someone did a custom job on this old Plumbing and Heating van in our neighborhood.

Packing Day Discovery

Today is packing day.  We have one more day in Denver and we will hit up a museum but we chose Sunday to stay in, pack up, and do a bit of cleaning.  We got to Denver just about a month ago and have done so much and time has just flown by.  While doing a bit of cleaning we found 2 month old baked potatoes that we had cooked but then forgot about.  It reminded me of this Mitch Hedberg Potato Joke.

Baked, rested, and aged potatoes

We spent the day with Create TV's This Old House marathon running. They are reshowing This Old House Create Showcase: New Orleans Rebuilds.  We will be in New Orleans for a month in December and early January so whenever they mentioned a neighborhood we had researched it got our attention.  While This Old House was on in the background we re-found our 9 travel bins and our Igloo cooler and hunted through cabinets for our items being careful to leave the items that were already here.  It doesn't take a whole day but it is nice to take breaks and spread it out between dog walks and grocery shopping.  

We are almost all packed.  There are just a few things that we need to use on the last day that aren't packed.  On Tuesday we get up early, pack all of our stuff in the van, and head out.  Our plan takes us down I-25 and out the bottom of Colorado then over to Clayton Lake State Park for a night of camping.  The next day we head into and out of Oklahoma to touch that state for the first time and then into Texas and on to Amarillo for a night.  It will be our first time being in Texas together too, not counting our short stop over at Dallas Fort Worth Airport in April on the way back from Costa Rica.

It's hard to believe that our first two stays are pretty much over.  Trip has been really fun and we are heading into areas we have not explored yet so that is exciting. 

Oh and last night The Colorado Avalanche won the Stanley Cup in Tampa Bay.  We were watching TV and paused our show to listen to our neighborhood and the whole city celebrate the victory.  It's always special being in a city when a championship is won.  We had the same experience when we were living in San Francisco and The Giants won the World Series.  

If you didn't see yesterday's post, we went to the oldest bar in Denver for lunch.  Check it out here.