Monday, June 13, 2022

Lazy Sunday

 Denver, CO

The Cacti are blooming in our neighborhood

Takin' 'er easy for all us sinners

 Today we took it easy.  It was close to 100 degrees out so we stayed in for the most part.  Mid day we went to Cherry Creek Mall and bought a phone case for my new phone.  Once the sun went down we took a walk and I tried out Night Mode on my Pixel6.  I am very happy with my new phone.  I also tried to take photos of the bats flying over our head but the shutter speed was too slow in night mode. 

Sky and Shadows come out nicely

The background is blurred nicely


Full on Night Mode.  It takes a timed shot and uses image stabilization to keep the image sharp.

This week we have a quite a few things to do so hopefully I will be able to take some interesting photos.

Read about my new phone that took these photos here.

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