Sunday, June 12, 2022

Hot New Phone

 Denver, CO

My new phone!  Pictures will be better

New Phone

Last night we were walking back from the bus and I saw a photo I wanted to take of a stop light.  It looked really cool so I pulled out my phone and took a photo.  The photo didn't capture what I saw.  I looked for it to post here and it turned out I deleted it.  I rarely delete photos.  I guess it was just that bad.  I had been talking to Donna about getting a new phone since Los Angeles and I have been researching which phones have the best cameras and camera software for the best price.  This morning I found a Google Pixel 6 Pro on sale at Target for pickup so I bought it!  2 hours later it was ready for pickup at the Sheridan Target.  We had to do some grocery shopping and pickup some dog food so we were using the car anyway.

We arrived at Target and I went to the pickup counter and they had no record of my purchase.  They asked to see my email and I showed it to them and she said, "This is the Edgewater Target on Sheridan Boulevard.  You want the Target in Sheridan CO."  We typed in the real address and it was in the opposite direction so we headed there.  Mistakes happen and when a mistake takes us on a new highway I can log that's great!  We ended up getting to drive on segments of CO34 and US85.

We arrived at the Sheridan Target about 18 minutes later and my phone was there waiting for me.  We also had the good fortune of having a PetsMart in the same parking lot so we were able to get the dog food there too.

Heat Wave

We got home and turned on our air conditioner.  We don't have central air here but we have a nice in wall air conditioner next to the couch.  Today Denver tied the 100 degree record for earliest 100 degree day in the year.  It's hot!  We stayed in all day and I messed with my new phone setting it up and we watched For All Mankind.  I had never set up an unlocked phone before so there were a few things I needed to learn but I got it working.  I haven't had the chance to take a lot of photos yet but I did take these 2 in the apartment and they look great.  I also was able to mess around with the editing tool and it looks really robust.  These days cameras are more about software than optics and Google is doing well in this area.  

The front facing camera is better than my old rear facing camera

Our couch in front of the air conditioner

We will be doing some cool stuff this coming week so I am sure I will have a lot of photos to share.  

I wish I had my new phone for yesterday's adventure that you can read about here.


  1. I'm excited for you. As someone who loves photography, I think your having a decent camera is a good enjoyment return on your investment.
