Saturday, June 11, 2022

An International Evening

 Downtown Denver, CO

The Dancing and Dresses were amazing

Meeting Friends for Dinner at Red Square

We had planned on going grocery shopping the first half of the day but that didn't happen so we ended up just taking it easy until we hopped our bus at 4:15pm.  The bus was 11 minutes late but we were originally scheduled to arrive 15 minutes early so it all worked out.  We took the 0 bus downtown and met friends at Red Square Euro Bistro in Downtown's Writer Square.  It was a place that Gene had recommended we try for lunch after going to the Dikeou Collection the other day but sadly they weren't open for lunch.  We figured that part out after being pulled in by the good looking menu and infused vodkas.  Luckily Red Square is open for dinner on a Friday night so that is what we did.  The food and drinks were really fantastic.  We all really enjoyed our dinner there.  In fact it was so good that I didn't take many photos.

My Boris the Blade, a Manhattan Variation

Donna's Infused Vodkas, Beet on the left and Horseradish on the right.  I really liked the horseradish.

Our layered dessert.  

A Free evening at Boettcher Concert Hall

When visiting a city, Donna and I like to see the big venues.  This is why we attend baseball games when we are only minor baseball fans.  I wanted to see Boettcher Concert Hall but I didn't want to pay a ton to do it.  Luckily there was a free event going on so I got us 5 tickets a few weeks prior.  The México en el Corazón hosted a night of Mexican Music and Dance.  They are touring the US and you can read more about it here if you are interested.  The crowd was diverse, the presentation was in Spanish and English, and they kept the entertainment tight.  There was always something going on.  It was a really fun event and I am glad I found it.  

The Colorado Avalanche Hockey Team is in the finals so they are getting downtown ready for the revelers

More Hockey celebration set up

I thought I taken my last BSOD Billboard photo in 2015.

The Downtown Performing Arts Complex is really great.  It's a hub for music and theater.

It's packed with things to see as well as food and drink

I guess Fat Tire Beer sponsored these elevators

Portraits of past conductors inside the Concert Hall

Seating at The Concert Hall and the diverse crowd.  Everyone was there to have fun.

The stage was set up for Dancing

Symphony Selfie!

I liked the way the lighting and acoustics set up looked

Spinning spinning spinning

At one point a group of performers passed through the audience.  The male dancers were carrying what looked like bottles of Tequila and taking swigs.  When they got on stage the bottle was a part of the dance.

You can see the bottles on the ground to the right.  They set them up and weaved in and out of them.

The shop wasn't really hopping tonight.

The Bus Ride Home

After the show we said goodbye to Gene and Jonathan, our companions for the evening, and headed to the bus stop.  It was the first time we were out at dusk so I took photos.  5 hours earlier we had added money to our bus card but when we got on the bus it hadn't processed yet even though the website said it had.  The bus driver let us slide this one time which was nice.

The Preforming Arts Complex was empty when everyone was at their event.

The lighting was perfect

They had the buildings lit up nicely

And public art

Buildings were lit

2 of the downtown skyscrapers at dusk

I liked the reflection of the address

Some lighted planters downtown

This building looked especially cool at this time of night

Our bus stop!

When we got back we ran the air conditioner for a bit because the heat wave is on.  It's going to be a hot one this weekend.  We relaxed on the couch and watched some Most Extreme Elimination Challenge on Tubi until it was time to turn off the air conditioner and go to bed.

Yesterday we visited a Tiki Bar.  Check the post out here.

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