Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Rest Day in LA, Rest Day in LA

 Los Angeles, CA

Grab yourself a snack and catch up on past posts, this one is short

We Had a Rest Day

Today was the first day we had nothing planned and we did nothing, essentially nothing that is.  Nothing really blog worthy.  We did laundry, cooked some outstanding baked chili rellenos, finished watching Cowboy Bebop, and listened to The LA Kings win their first playoff game.  Oh, one other thing I did was work with American Express on the phone to clear up the final document I needed to send so they can reimburse me for my rental car damage in Costa Rica.  That's it.  Enjoy your day.

A tree passed too closely to our rental car in Costa Rica

I had to pay for the damage in advance and American Express
will reimburse me for it through their
great rental insurance program

Yesterday we had brunch.  Check out the details here.

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