Monday, May 9, 2022

Mother's Day in San Diego County

 San Diego, CA (well actually Spring Valley, CA)

Sunny and Breezy in Spring Valley

The Road More Traveled

Today we hit the road at 8:30.  We were heading down I-5 for a stop in Irvine and then continuing on to Spring Valley which is a handful of miles west of San Diego.  The drive was traffic free so locals were enjoying going a good 20mph above the posted maximum speed limit.  Our first stop was at a park and ride in Irvine for a shady deal in the parking lot.  Donna made sure we weren't followed and met a shadowy figure in a Tesla.  Pleasantries were exchanged, I am pretty sure code words were used, and then the exchange happened.

Donna enjoys knitting these Octopi but we have no need for the end result so they pile up.  Donna's friend and former coworker has 3 small children and they gleefully took ownership of these fantastic creatures. 

After the first mission was accomplished we jumped back on I-5 and punched it.  We had lunch reservations at The Dining Room at 11:15 and wanted to be on time.  Apparently The Dining Room at the Senior Living Center we are visiting has been booked for Mother's Day for quite some time.  

When we hit San Diego County we encountered a unique construction zone.   They had striped the lanes in a way that I had never seen.  It made it abundantly clear that it was a construction zone and made the temporary lanes really stand out against all of the other lines that occur in construction zones that don't actually reflect the current lanes.  People still went through at 85mpg but they were able to see the lane they were supposed to be in.

Look at those well defined lanes!

We arrived with enough time to drop Francis off in Mom and Bill's apartment and to place the Mother's Day Gift we bought at Home Depot on their patio.  We had nice conversation at lunch and then took a walk around the grounds.  We also had a bit of time to help out with a few things that are difficult for them to do.  It was a nice afternoon.

We removed the bag and didn't give them our Amerigas Tank

Francis enjoying the hot deck

Our walk around the property.  If you look about 10 miles to the left you can see the Mexico border

Our drive back featured some of the famous Southern California traffic.  It was a long day in the car but it was really nice to visit Mom and Bill.  Happy Mother's Day Mom!

Want to read about yesterday today?  Click here.

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