Friday, April 22, 2022

Cultured - The Walt Disney Concert Hall, Happy Hour, and Another Walk in LA

 Los Angeles, CA

Mexican Market, Drinks, and The Walt Disney Concert Hall

Today was only a half day of adventure.  We took the morning to rest and do some tasks that we were waiting to do until we officially moved out of our apartment.  We also did some research for this evenings event.  We wanted to find a place to stop to get a drink and a snack on the way to The Walt Disney Concert Hall.  Donna researched walking directions and I looked at bars and stuff in and around the area.  Donna found a great walking path and I found a great place to stop so job done!

After relaxing and doing a bit of "work" we decided to walk to Numero Uno Market for some groceries.  The market is great.  It has a lot of fresh fruit and veg and a lot of Mexican ingredients.  I will take photos next time we go so you can experience the market with us.  We bought some fruit, veg, tortillas, Mexican table cream,  beans, and some other things so we can make a few inexpensive meals to help subsidize our out to eat meals.  

The concert, Colburn Orchestra, starts at 7pm and the advice given is to arrive an hour early for parking and vaccine verification.  We aren't driving so we figured 6:15 was a good time to get there so we worked backwards from there.  Leave the bar at 6, get to the bar at 5, leave here to walk to the bar at 4:45.  We have our schedule!

We left right at 4:45 and walked to Thunderbolt LA.  It's a hip place and it wasn't too crowded at 5pm on a Thursday. We sat at the bar and Donna ordered a Liquid Picnic and I ordered a Humanity, Rock On Triple IPA by New World Ales.  We also got a Pimento Cheese and Crackers Appetizer.  

The outside

My great beer and the menu

Do I look happy?  I also see hints of sunscreen

The bar does a lot of Carbonated Drinks.  
They use the 2 liter jugs to carbonate them

Pimento and Cheese Cracker.  We didn't ration
our cheese very well so the last
cracker was mostly cheese.

The bar is above US 101 so we could look down at traffic.
There was traffic but this photo makes it look like there isn't

Jug ready for carbonation.  They hook up a hose to the spout,
suck out the air, and then add CO2 and shake

After our happy hour we closed out and continued the walk.  The Walt Disney Concert Hall building is an amazing venue.  It was designed by Frank Gehry who also designed who also designed The Museum of Pop Culture building and other amazing builds.  

Cool right?

Approaching the entrance

The entrance lobby

A cool puzzle at the gift shop

An art installation 

In LA, fewer people use the coat check than
BMW drivers use turn signals

An art installation featuring L.A. Murals
(No photography allowed inside)

The outside gardens are nice too

With nice views of the building

And nooks and crannies to explore

And reflections to play with

The inside is really pretty too and the sound quality is fantastic

Masks are still required here

Cool lighting outside on the walk home

More lights

and more lights

and more lights with a metro stop
The concert was great.  An up and coming Cello star, James Baik, had a big part in the first half.

We decided to walk home after the concert.  The walk there was easy and we figured it would be well lit and safe and it was.

When we got home we watched the last episode of The Great British Baking Show and had snacks.  We didn't really have any real dinner so we were hungry.  It was a great day and we checked off one more thing on the list (yes it is a real paper list hanging on the fridge).

The Concert Hall is off the bottom of the list along with lists of peoples names that we want to get together with which I didn't intend to include in the photo so you can't really see it in this shot.

We went to a Dodger's day game yesterday and we walked to the Stadium.  Read how it went here.

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