Monday, October 23, 2023

A Weekend in ABQ

 Albuquerque, NM

Francis and I dressed up for the Doggy Costume Contest


Saturday morning we went to the local farmer's market.  It was a really good farmer's market with a lot of fresh veg and venders selling cooked food as well as art and clothing.  Best of all, Francis was allowed to join us.

We split a papusa

Francis wanted in on the action

They had a nice Bike Valet area and it was getting good use.

We bought some shishito peppers

Hatch chilis being roasted.

Laster that evening we walked to The Hotel Albuquerque for some live jazz.  

The Lounge was a bit bright for our liking but the music was good.

And the drinks were very good.


Sunday morning we headed over to Marble Brewing for a Dog Rescue event.  There was also a dog costume contest you could sign up for.  The contest was full by the time we heard about it so Francis and I dressed up knowing we wouldn't win a prize. It was a really fun event and the adoptable dogs were so cute!  I hope they all find homes.

The Big Bad Wolf

The Mad Hatter along with Tweedle Dee and Dum won a prize.

After dropping Francis off we headed back downtown for some pinball at Sister Bar.  It was a cool bar with way too many children for my liking.  All of the machines were in great working order and I had some great games.  The tournament I will play in will be here on Saturday.  I want to try to get some time on all of the machines before tournament day.

I got my best score ever my a HUGE margin on The Godfather.  My best score before this was under 2 million.  I watched a really good tutorial and had great balls.  I hope I can do this again on tournament night.

My Black Night game was very solid too (for me).  I really have to work on Rick and Morty.  Rush, Godzilla, and Bram Stoker's Dracula were all bad games but I know how to do better on those.

That's it for today.  If you missed Pinball and More Cooking check it out.  

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