Thursday, September 14, 2023

Hammond's Candy Factory Tour

 Denver, CO

More Free Candy!

This morning, after walking Francis, we drove to the Hammond's Candy Factory for a free tour.  You might recall our Chocolate Factory Tour in St. Louis.  The tour started in the giftshop and exited in the gift shop so there was plenty of time to shop for candy.

Francis found a playmate this morning.

Donna found the factory seconds (the discounted oops room) quickly.

They also sold things they don't make in the shop.

The tour started with a video talking about the history of Hammond's Candy.  It's the largest all hand made candy factory in the US and ships all over the US.

We could watch the process through giant windows.

Loading the candy on the stretching / cooling machine.

Hand pulling lollypops

The temp alarm went off so it was time to pour and cool.

They put broken bits in with the hot candy so it would melt in and be recycled.

Action shot of the pulling and cutting to make lollypops.

They also had closed circuit TV monitors for us to watch. 

They get a lot of their machines from factories that have upgraded to more modern processes.  This one is from Jolly Rancher.

Our guide gave us a lot of info that we couldn't keep track of while watching the show in front of us.

On the way out we got a free factory defect.

I waited until people weren't watching to take this violent photo of me destroying the Hammond's mascot with my signature Hadouken energy attack.

LOL! ipop.

This was the free candy I got.

We also purchased candy on the way out.  All of it was discounted.  The taffy was 10 for $1!

It was a fun tour but the one in St. Louis was better and the discounted candy selection was more suited to our tastes.  I prefer chocolate and truffles over hard candy.

Laster in the evening we drove to Arvada to visit our friends that live there.  We had a great time catching up, made plans, and then walked to dinner just down the road.

That's it for today.  If you missed Korean Fried Chicken and Pinball, check it out.

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