Saturday, August 19, 2023

Day 9 of Folklorama - First Nations

 Winnipeg, MB

Folklorama First Nations

Tonight we attended our 2nd to last Folklorama event.  Tonight was First Nations and the pavilion was back at the convention centre so we could walk there.  We arrived at doors opening and there wasn't a line.  The First Nations event started about 45 minutes earlier than all of the rest for the day so that may have been the reason.  We got in line for food and then got good seats for the show.

I got the Fry Bread Taco.  It was very good.  We also split a fry bread dessert.

Donna got the rice salad which was also really good.

Before the dancing started this man warmed up the crowd by being overly nice and welcoming the VIPs on his list.  After he was done welcoming the VIPs and no one stood up to be acknowledges, he was handed tonight's list and went over the VIPs again and these VIPs were actually there.  VIPs include Ambassadors from the different pavilions, coordinators, and other volunteers.

The dancing and costumes were great.  The lighting was terrible for photography.

 Canada does a way better job and reminding everyone that they are on stolen land.  I don't know if this helps anyone feel any better but it's probably the right thing to do.  After the show all of the performers stood near the exit for photos.  

That's it for today.  If you missed Day 8 of Folklorama - Poland, check it out.  Also feel free to go back and read all 363 other posts.  Wow that's a lot.

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